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I'm taking each day a step at a time, searching for my specific niche. I love to meet people, enjoy sports and music, and am known to savor my rum and coke. I usually have an opinion on things but thirst to converse with those that know something different.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Herpes, Gonorrhea, Schism, HIV-AIDS... Wait a minute... Schism?

The term ‘schism’ has been plastered all over SportsCenter today. I find it quite amusing that it’s such a powerful term and yet most of the involved athletes, when asked about the term, didn’t know what it meant. Jared Allen, an animal on the gridiron, thought a schism was an STD; he thought that absurd because he said “we preach abstinence around these parts.”

The term carries a lot of burdened Christian connotations such as the Roman Catholic schism between the Eastern and Western orthodox beliefs. Common synonyms would be: split, discord, rift and gulf.

More commonly, and in this context, it would signify a division. Such as the division that Brett Favre’s emergence in the Viking’s locker-room has ruptured. Or the tremors of disaster in the city of brotherly love and the overall hype that Michael Vick’s return has created.

That is a schism.

But should these be schisms? I’m sure that once Favre starts winning games, there will be calm waters up in the land of 10,000 lakes. He can’t expect to make friends if he carries on retiring and returning every pre-season. But as he stated “I’m not here to make friends.” Besides, those friendships will soon directly correlate with his W’s in a Viking jersey.

Vick’s predicament is a completely different issue that I’m not going to get into. But I fully believe in second chances. It’s harsh when authorities choose to pick out a guinea pig. So I’m glad that Vick gets a chance to return to his profession and I hope that we can all remember that football is his job. He’s just another man. I don’t know what to think about the Vick-McNabb relationship though. It could either be a great run or just another disastrous duo in Philly.

So that’s the schism Mr. Allen. No, it is not an STD. It’s a little disagreement that your Vikings need to sort out. (I’m glad that I can safely say this to you from a few hundred miles away, from behind my laptop.)


  1. I think the term you were looking for was "scape goat" not "guinea pig."

    I like this post... concise and interesting.

  2. Mike Vick wasn’t a guinea pig, neither the judicial system nor the judicial process were tested out on him. He was the sacrificial lamb for all those involved with Bad Newz Kennels and anyone else engaged in dog fighting. As the primary financier and the only suspect with a public profile, his sentencing was meant to send a message to everyone engaging in similar, inexcusable behavior.

  3. Anyone know what happenned to everyone else involved in those dog fighting rings? I don't. The term guinea pig was generalized in reference to all pro athletes who regulatory boards come down upon (Bonds, Burress, Vick etc). Yeah they are all in the wrong, but by no means are they the only ones doing what they do. Neither are they the first ones to be in their situation, they're just the ones that boards are now starting to deal with.

    Thanks for the comments!
